Other editions

The 3rd Tattoo Convention took place in Huxley's new world, because the "Trash" the discoteque we started in became too small.
Here are some of the artists Frank remembered from 1993. Actually it's a strong performance when you consider that next year he will be 60 years old. The long-term memory still works quite well, LOL... Berni Luther *Austria
Claus Fuhrmann *Austria
Klaus Zimmerer *Germany
Phil&Katy Dermapholi *France
Silver Needle * England EnglandTom Plotolomie *England
Ralf Guterman *Germany
Keven Shercliff *England
Psycho Tattoo *England
Red Dragon Tattoo * Germany
Fantasy Tattoo *Germany
Mao & Cathy *Spain
Marko Leone *Italy
Genziana Sundance Tattoo *Italy
Tin Tin *France
HankyPanky *Holland
Tumpi *Stockholm
Rosti *Finland
Tattoo World *Dänemark
Alan Tattoo *Frankreich
Marko Pisa *Italy
Schepi Tattoo *Germany
UZI Tattoo *Tschechien
Running Bear *USA
Mike Davis *San Francico USA
Hammer Jo *Schweiz
BadBones *Portugal
Tattoo Land *Cottbus
Endless Pain *Germany
Kaktus Tattoo *Germany
Mike Ford *Germany
South West Tattoo *Germany
East Street Tattoo *New York USA
Jon Artliner *Belgien
Crazy ACE *Toronto USA
Zop Tattoo *Italy some of these Artists habe become famous in the Tattoo World and are still doing...Respekt!