1st Battlefield Tattoo Expo
room Eisenhower Hotel & Conference Center
directions 2634 Emmitsburg Rd, Gettysburg, Adams County
Other editions

The Battlefield Tattoo Expo is a special venture that began in September after we, at inked2gether.com, returned from a tattoo convention in Orlando, FL. After some brainstorming with local artist Nate from Creative hands tattoo shop in Waynesboro, he got on board and is joining us on this journey.
Our goal is to put on an amazing event for artists and followers alike, with a turnout to match. Where better to hold an event with such deep-rooted American history, than a city with an equally historic foundation? Not only that, but there is such a multitude of severely talented artists in the Tri-State area that have earned the right to show off their works of passion.
And that’s what it’s all about. Our followers know we at inked2gether.com put our heart and soul into the work we do. And we want our events to reflect that.
We are 100% committed to supporting all artists, local or otherwise. They are the driving force in this industry, and they never fail to create true works of art worthy of recognition. Nate, being a tattoo artist, knows what it takes to be talented in his field. His dedication to his craft inspires us to push our brand to a higher standard.
Show Times:
Friday 5pm – 11pm
Saturday 12pm – 11pm
Sunday 12pm – 6pm