8. Convention Tattoo Poitiers
room Restaurant Pirates
directions 29 Boulevard René Descartes, 86360, Chasseneuil-du-Poitou, Arrondissement de Poitiers
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Poitiers Tattoo Convention 2022
The 8th Poitiers tattoo convention was held over the weekend of the 15-16 of October bringing together the lovers of tattooing and body modification for three days of ink. There were over fifty tattooists working at the Exhibition site. This really big building housed all the stands of jewelry, clothing, and things to do with the world of tattooing, and on the ground floor, there was a good display of motorcycles. On Saturday, Freak Family carried out a performance of the suspension. This went down very well with the public, although many were not sure if this was real or just an illusion.
The organization of this fifth convention was quite difficult because of the distances between Agde and Poitiers but Marc managed very well with help from his many willing helpers. He contacted the press and stuck publicity posters on the walls of the city. Always with plenty of energy and dynamism, Marc organized year, two other conventions. The first one was located in Southeast France a few kilometers from his studio in a town called Bézier in July and the second one was in Dijon in September.