7th Tattoo Convention Bern
room Bern Expo / Festhalle
directions Mingerstrasse 6, 3014, Bern, Bern-Mittelland District
Welcome to the 7th Bern Tattoo Convention 2022!
(The official poster and info will soon be updated)
Once again we appreciate presenting about 150 national and international artists from all over the world. A convention which should be an unforgettable happening.
Piercers and different sellers but also socially motivated exhibitors will provide different highlights.
Of course, there will be also a lot of traditional and delicious food provided.
One of the best talents is coming to Switzerland in 2022 … and he is already on it to do our poster for the 7th edition. I think we can call ourselves lucky by finding Rob Borbas from Hungary!
Altogether, an event that goes under your skin – get inspired and inspire our artists with your wishes!
We look forward to seeing you all at the Tattoo Convention Bern 2022!